

Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Martin Polaschek, Bundesminister für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung

Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research

“The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF) creates the best possible framework conditions so that universities and research institutions can effectively help shape the future through innovative scientific and technological developments.
As the responsible federal minister, it is therefore a great pleasure for me to support the TECHNOLOGY IMPACT SUMMIT as a new, innovative and interdisciplinary exchange format between politics, business and society. The summit offers an excellent opportunity to discuss current technological developments and shape the future together.”

Prof. Dr. Martin Polaschek, Federal Minister of Education, Science
and Research

Claudia Plakolm

Federal Chancellery

“Digital change does not happen on its own – we have to actively tackle it. The Technology Impact Summit brings together people who not only want to talk about ideas, but also find concrete solutions. For me as State Secretary for Digitalization, it is crucial to bring innovation into action and create framework conditions that enable real progress. The summit offers precisely this space to consider together how we can shape digital technologies in such a way that they offer real added value for everyone.

Claudia Plakolm, State Secretary for Digitalization, Youth and Civilian Service

Helmut List

AVL List GmbH

“AVL is a partner of the Technology Impact Summit because we are convinced that we must actively and responsibly shape the future of mobility. Artificial intelligence is the key to a new era – an era in which mobility is more efficient, more sustainable and safer. We are doing everything we can to make this future a reality.
Our participation in the Summit not only demonstrates our commitment to driving forward groundbreaking developments in AI and mobility, but also our conviction that real progress can only be achieved through open exchange with other thought leaders, scientists and innovators.

For us, this event is a special opportunity: it provides a platform for sharing knowledge, pooling experience and working together on solutions that will change the world. We are committed to driving this transformation towards a sustainable, carbon-neutral future – and we are doing so with great passion and conviction.”

Prof. Helmut List, Chairman of the Management Board

Dr. Oliver Kröpfl, Mitglied des Vorstandes Steiermärkische Sparkasse

Steiermärkische Sparkasse

“Steiermärkische Sparkasse is a reliable and innovative financial partner in Styria. In addition to personal advice, we are also there for our customers digitally at any time and from any location thanks to George. The rapid development of technologies, especially artificial intelligence, will permanently change many industries – including the banking sector. If potentials are used well, many processes can be made more efficient and our customers can be advised even more individually.

Dr. Oliver Kröpfl, Member of the Management Board Steiermärkische Sparkasse

KR Mag. Klaus Scheitegel, Generaldirektor Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG

Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG

“Grazer Wechselseitige Versicherung AG is an Austrian composite insurance company based in Graz. Since its foundation in 1828, the company has developed from the original fire insurance company into an
international group in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, combining insurance, real estate and financial services under one roof.

“New technologies, science, research and society have always been very important to our company, because without research there is no innovation, without innovation there is no progress. Based on the idea of innovation and our clear commitment to science and research, we are delighted to be a partner of the Technology Impact Summit (TIS) 2024.”

KR Klaus Scheitegel, General Manager Grazer Wechselseitige
Insurance AG

Rudolf Krickl

PwC Austria

“Artificial intelligence is crucial for safeguarding our economic performance. It enables us to automate repetitive tasks and thus focus on higher-value, creative activities. This not only strengthens our competitiveness, but also creates new opportunities for innovation and growth. AI is not a substitute, but a valuable partner on our path into the future.”

Dr. Rudolf Krickl, Territory Senior Partner

Marlene Hanschitz-Halikias

Grant Thornton Austria

“Grant Thornton Austria stands for auditing and consulting that creates security and trust. We support
companies in using data in a valuable and legally compliant way. Artificial intelligence is the growth engine of the future
and holds profound opportunities. We are therefore delighted to support the Technology Impact Summit 2024 in Graz as a partner at

Marlene Hanschitz-Halikias, Partner, Grant Thornton Austria

Susanne Mortimore

LexisNexis Austria

“LexisNexis offers specialized legal information and legal tech workflow solutions and is at the forefront of generative artificial intelligence internationally. Austria is one of the first countries where we are making our AI solutions available and we are ensuring that the Austrian legal and tax industry is at the forefront of this field. AI brings great change for all of us – as one of the global pioneers, we take our responsibility seriously and offer a transparent dialog about safe AI and the concerns of the industry.”

Susanne Mortimore, CEO LexisNexis Austria

Mag. Martin Schiefer

Schiefer Rechtsanwälte GmbH

“Schiefer Rechtsanwälte is the leading public procurement law firm in Austria. As a partner of the Technology Impact Summit, we are committed to the sensible but also responsible use of artificial intelligence in public procurement. AI can be supportive, but it cannot replace the core competencies of lawyers – namely the interpretation, interpretation and application of the law. Both our society and the public sector are faced with the challenge of putting an ethical corset around the achievements of technological change. Freely following the principles of digital humanism.

Martin Schiefer, lawyer for public procurement,
Founder and partner of the law firm Schiefer Rechtsanwälte

Vorstand Energie Steiermark

Energie Steiermark

“Research, development and application of new technologies are of enormous importance to Energie Steiermark, as they are the tools for implementing the energy transition. Energie Steiermark has been working closely with universities and research institutions for many years, so it goes without saying that we also welcome and support the “TECHNOLOGY IMPACT SUMMIT” as a new platform for the exchange of knowledge.

The Management Board of Energie Steiermark (Christian Purrer & Martin Graf)



“As aws, we support Austrian companies in all business phases. We support young companies in the pre-seed and seed phase with grants and advice on the development of innovative products and services. Great importance is attached to technology and impact-oriented projects. As a federal development bank, we are very pleased to be part of the Technology Impact Summit and thus support the building of bridges between science, technology and application.

Edeltraud Stiftinger and Bernhard Sagmeister, aws Management Board

Media partner


Program & technology partner


“vrisch is an award-winning media agency based in Vienna, Austria, that develops applied immersive entertainment solutions to help people learn, understand and have fun. Their work spans various fields, including performing arts, environmental education and marketing, illustrating the agency’s multi-faceted approach to XR technologies.”

vrisch has a simple motto: “We are not trying to replace the physical world. We are expanding it.”